7 Best Artificial Intelligence Courses Online (Free + Paid)

Artificial Intelligence Introduction

The replication of human intelligence functions by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence displayed by machines, as opposed to the natural intelligence displayed by people and other animals.

The focus of AI research has been established as the study of intelligent agents, or any system that comprehends its surroundings and behaves in a way that maximises its chances of success.

Expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision are some examples of specific AI applications. So it doesn’t matter if you are looking for the best artificial intelligence course in India or outside; this list of  7 Best Artificial Intelligence Courses Online 2022 will be beneficial  to you, either way.

1. Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI

This course is created by Kiril Eremenko, Jordan Sauchuk, Halein de Ponteves, and Ligency Team, and is the best artificial intelligence course online you can take.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. What is AI?
  2. Deep Q-Learning

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • A comprehensive view of AI
  • Solving real-life problems using AI.
  • Q-leaning

Who is this course for?

This course is for people who are interested in Deep learning, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.4


This course has a duration of 16 hours and 58 minutes.  

Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2. Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree 

This AI course is an beginner to intermediate level course, co-created by Peter Norvig, the author of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, the most popular AI textbook in universities. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  2. Classical Search
  3. Automated Planning
  4. Optimization Problems
  5. Adversarial Search
  6. Fundamentals of Probabilistic Graphical Models

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • To assess your newly acquired skills using the example projects
  • A forward planning agent
  • An adversaql game playing agent
  • Part of speech tagging model

Who is this course for?

Anyone looking to master a variety of AI techniques from some of the leading AI professionals can opt for this course.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.8


This course has a duration of 3 months.

Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3. Artificial Intelligence in Web Design + Live Class

First Look Digital Marketing Solutions and Srindhi Ranganathan created this course. You will learn to implement artificial intelligence for creating web designs. 

Topics Covered in

  • Web designing using Artificial intelligence
  • Creating chatbot and analytics

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to make self-updating websites quickly.
  • You will learn about editing and web design prototyping.
  • You will learn about artificial intelligence and how you can create an Apple TV app using A.I.

Who is this course for?

This is the best artificial intelligence course for beginners who desire a better computer science foundation.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.0


It has a duration of 3 hours and 50 minutes.

Artificial Intelligence in Web Design + Live Class

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4. Artificial Intelligence for Business 

This is an intermediate level course with an advanced form of neural network, deep learning. This course is created by Kiril Eremenko, Ligency Team, and Hadelin de Ponteves.

Topics Covered in this Course: 

  • Artificial intelligence
  • General AI framework 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • Implement early stopping
  • General use of AI in business
  • Creating an Artificial brain.

Who is this course for? 

Those students who have some experience and want to learn in depth about this branch of AI can opt for it.

Course rating 

This course has a rating of 4.6

Artificial Intelligence for Business 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5. Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown (edx.org)

One of the most active AI topics is autonomous driving, and this course takes a novel approach to online learning for self-driving cars by integrating its material with a buyable driving robot.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Introduction to autonomous vehicles
  2. Towards autonomy
  3. Modeling and control
  4. Robot vision
  5. Object detection
  6. State estimation and localization
  7. Planning
  8. Learning by reinforcement

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • Basic robotics
  • IoT
  • Reinforcement Learning

Who is this course for?

This course id for intermediate learners who have a strong interest in autonomous driving and enjoy a practical based learning. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.9

Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown (edx.org)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6. Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

This course is created by Lazy Programmer Inc. You will learn all about Artificial learning and deep learning using Tensorflow 2.0. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  • Artifical intelligence 
  • Time series analysis 
  • NLP
  • GAN

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about artificial and deep neural networks.
  • You will learn to use deep learning to perform Natural language Processing (NLP).
  • You will learn to create custom models using low-level Tensorflow. 

Who is this course for?

It is for people with some experience and an inclination towards the NLP branch of AI.


It has a duration of 22 hours and 27 minutes.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6

Tensorflow 2.0: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7. The Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

It is created by Penny de Byl. this course will be a guide for creating non-player characters (NPCs) in the Unity Game Engine for games using C#.

Topics Covered in this Course

  • Vectors
  • Waypoints
  • Flocks
  • vehicles

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn how AI can be applied in computer games.
  • You will learn to use C# in the unity engine for designing and programming NPCs.
  • You will learn the standard techinques like behavious trees and goal-oriented action learning. 

Who is this course for?

It is for people who wish to make their own NPCs and also learn to use AI in computer games. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7


It has a duration of 30 hours and 10 minutes.

The Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


These were the best certification courses for artificial intelligence. Although AI is a young field, it has the potential to be a viable career option. We tried to list the artificial intelligence best courses, so, you can start learning AI by choosing any course from this list that you deem appropriate. 

Best of Luck!!


Q. Where can I learn artificial intelligence?

Ans. You can learn artificial intelligence at various online platforms, where you will find both free and paid courses.

Q.  Who can learn Artificial intelligence?

Ans. Anyone curious enough can learn Artificial intelligence. Additionally, if you are a software engineer, data scientist, research engineer, or machine learning engineer, learning artificial intelligence can be very rewarding.

Q. How to learn artificial intelligence?

Ans. You can start learning artificial intelligence by enrolling in an online course. That way, you can start learning at your own convenience and speed. 

Q.  Is it easy to learn machine learning?

Ans. Yes, it is easy to learn machine learning if you are a beginner. However, you need to practice algorithms as much as you can. In addition, you can enhance your machine-learning skills by reading or watching videos.

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