7 Best & Free Udemy Internet Marketing Courses

Udemy Internet Marketing Courses Introduction 

 Internet marketing is a multidimensional strategy for advertising goods, services, and brands via the Internet. It is also known as online marketing or digital marketing. It encompasses a wide array of strategies and tactics that leverage digital channels and technologies to reach and engage target audiences. Website construction, search engine optimisation (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, and data analysis are a few examples of activities that fall under the umbrella of internet marketing. Businesses may broaden their reach, improve brand recognition, drive website traffic, generate leads, and ultimately accomplish their marketing objectives by leveraging the power of the internet in a dynamic and always-connected online environment.

1. Internet Marketing 101 The course is created by Bigger Brains by Udemy


This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 16 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • It is possible to master internet marketing. 
  • You may monitor and evaluate social media marketing
  • You’ll learn about email marketing
  • Planning your online strategy will be your first step. 
  • You will discover everything there is to know about SEO. 
Who Is This Course For? 
  • It is advised that marketing professionals take this course. 

4.0 rating from 7 learners. 


The course involves 1 section, 9 lectures, and a duration of 1h 14m. 

Internet Marketing 101 The course is created by Bigger Brains

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

 2. Internet Marketing Expert The course is created by Stefan Rooyackers by Udemy


This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 155 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction 
  2. Internet Marketers Handbook 
  3. Web Traffic Excellence 
  4. Social Media Techniques 
  5. Modern Techniques 
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 

After connecting with the course, you’ll receive the following advantages: 

  • It is possible to master internet marketing. 
  • Your online business will enable you to earn money. 
  • You will study to help your business get more clients using online strategies 
  • You will Get started with Internet Marketing 
  • You will learn all about Freedom Online Business 
Who Is This Course For? 
  • Anyone interested in discovering the secrets of internet marketing. 
  • Everybody who wants a certicate (good for your CV). 

4.6 rating from 25 learners. 


The course involves 42 sections, 483 lectures, and a duration of 37h 22m. 

Internet Marketing Expert The course is created by Stefan Rooyackers.

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

 3. Internet Marketing Mastery! The Complete Marketing Guide! by Udemy


The course is created by Zoolord Academy and Digital Marketing Pro. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 1,231 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Market research
  • ChatGPT fundamentals
  • ChatGPT Prompt Engineering
  • Website creation
  • Business advice
  • Website optimization
  • Marketing Cognitive Biases
  • Cognitive biases – Part 2
  • CB practice
  • The 4 Business Energy
  • Web Persuasion
  • Email Marketing – Mailchimp
  • Copywriting
  • The Complete SEO Training & more
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • It is possible to master internet marketing. 
  • You will be able to Learn the top 5 Ways To Use Pinterest Effectively 
  • You will study 7 List Building Tactics To Boost Sales that turn into resells and upsells to generate maximum profits from each lead 
  • You will Get started with Marketing Research 101 guide 
  • You will learn all about 11 SEO Terms
Who Is This Course For? 
  • Anyone who wishes to operate a profitable online business.

1.8 rating from 4 learners.


The course involves 2 sections, 49 lectures, and a duration of 1h 16m. 

Internet Marketing Mastery! The Complete Marketing Guide!

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

4. Internet Marketing, Laser Targeted Marketing & Facebook Ads by Udemy


The Elite Team designed the course. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 1,115 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction 
  2. Complete Internet Marketing 
  3. Laser Targeted Marketing 
  4. Facebook Ads
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • It is possible to master internet marketing. 
  • You will be able to Reach out easily to scattered audience & boost sales and profits 
  • You will study to Get best results from your marketing campaigns at an affordable price. 
  • You will Get started with Facebook Ads techniques 
  • You will learn all about create engaging and profitable Internet marketing campaigns & boost leads, sales and profits.
Who Is This Course For? 
  • Anyone seeking to enter the field of digital marketing
  • Anyone interested in improving his skills. 
  • Digital and Facebook marketers. 
  • Online advertisers want to boost there results.

4.2 rating from 14 learners. 


The course involves 4 sections, 64 lectures, and a duration of 5h 28m. 

Internet Marketing, Laser Targeted Marketing & Facebook Ads

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

 5. How to Do Internet Marketing Consulting for Small Businesses by Udemy


The course is created by Dave Espino. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 1,798 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction 
  2. Internet Marketing Services Your Agency Can Offer To Small Businesses 
  3. You can hire experts if you don’t have the necessary expertise! 
  4. Outsourcing Overview for Your Service Providers 
  5. How To Prospect For New Clients For Your Agency 
  6. How To Find Your Outsourcers – In Depth Offline Marketing Business Models 
  7. The Sales Process – How To Get Clients For Your Agency 
  8. Ramping Up Your Agency Business 
  9. Who Is This Business Perfect For? 
  10. Conclusion 
  11. Bonus 
  12. eBook And Sample Proposals
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • You could get mastery in online marketing.
  •  You will be able to Offer internet marketing services to local businesses. 
  • You will study to Find the best places to outsource the services to capable, qualified tech specialists. 
  • You will Get started with a wide variety of services to local business. 
  • You will learn all about Offering social media marketing services to local businesses. 
Who Is This Course For? 
  • If you like dealing with small business owners or with people in general, this is a great course for you. 
  • If you are a people person and enjoy face-to-face meetings and sales scenarios, this is an excellent course for you. 
  • If you like the idea of making multi-thousand dollar checks every month, you’ll like this business and course.

4.7 rating from 89 learners. 


The course involves 12 sections, 24 lectures, and a duration of 0h 47m. 

How to Do Internet Marketing Consulting for Small Businesses

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

6. Internet Marketing Success by Udemy (Free)


The course is created by Will Weatherly. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 3,648 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction
  2. Choosing An Offer To Promote
  3. Creating The Lead Magnet
  4. Landing Page Set Up
  5. Setting Up an Autoresponder
  6. Setting up the 5 day Email sequence
  7. Getting Fast Traffic To Offers
  8. Underground Traffic Source & Final Thoughts
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 
  •  you will know How to build a list of subscribers who will engage with your emails and buy your products.
Who Is This Course For? 
  • People interested in affiliate product promotions who want to build a list of active subscribers and increase conversions.

4.7 rating from 30 learners.


The course involves 8 sections, 9 lectures, and a duration of 0h 52m. 

Internet Marketing Success

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

7. Internet Marketing Course – An Intro to Website Marketing by Udemy (Free)


The course is created by Ron Stefanski. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning Internet Marketing from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 40,200 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Course Introduction
  2. Social Media
  3. Conversion Optimization
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  5. Email Marketing
  6. Content Marketing
  7. Affiliate Marketing
  8. Pay Per Click (PPC)
  9. Analytics
  10. Bonus Section
Why This Internet Marketing Course? 
  •  you will know general strategies of internet marketing
Who Is This Course For? 
  • This course is meant for newbies to marketing websites on the internet. The students of this course will gain a basic understanding of the majority of internet marketing tactics and gain a better understanding of what options are available. This course probably isn’t for you if you have worked in internet marketing for some time and understand all of the foundational elements.

4.4 rating from 1,352 learners.


The course involves 10 sections, 26 lectures, and a duration of 3h 51m. 

Internet Marketing Course – An Intro to Website Marketing

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.


1: What is internet marketing? 

2: What are some common internet marketing strategies? 

3: What are the advantages of internet marketing for businesses? 

4: Is internet marketing suitable for all businesses? 

5: How can businesses get started with internet marketing? 

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