Best Javascript Courses Online

Best Javascript Course Introduction

If you want to learn the most famous programming languages and which courses can help you achieve that, you have come to the right place. JavaScript is essential for web developers to make interactive websites. Previously, it was known as LiveScript but later it was changed to JavaScript owing to the hype around Java. 

Here, we are listing top 5 courses on Udemy to learn JavaScript. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, courses in this article would hone your skills further.

JavaScript- The Holy grail of programming languages

JavaScript is a programming or scripting language that is used to execute complicated features on a web page. The implementation of JavaScript allows interaction between client-side script and the users with almost 98% of the websites using it for the same. It is used with HTML, Java, and CSS. It also complies to ECMAScript standards. 

Top 5 Javascript Courses on Udemy

1. The Complete JavaScript Course : From Zero to Expert!

It was created by Jonas Schmedtmann. This might be the best course you can take if you want to learn JavaScript from scratch. You will learn JavaScript with the help of challenges, projects and theory. Over 676,478 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in June. 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You would become an expert JavaScript developer if you took this course.
  • You will learn the essentials of JavaScript, including Boolean logic, functions, objects, variables, strings, loops, etc.
  • You will learn how to work as a developer.
  • You will learn how to build your code with the help of common patterns and flowcharts.
  • You will be able to practice your learning with the help of 50+ assignments and challenges.
  • You will learn modern tools like Parcel, ES6 modules, Babel, and NPM.
  • You would become more employable as you would learn how JavaScript works.
  •  You will learn about Asynchronous JavaScript and the events like Promises, AJAX class and APIs, Event loop, and async/await. 

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who wants to gain deep knowledge about JavaScript. It will be helpful for learners to take this course in case they want to use a library like Angular, Node, or React in future. Additionally, people who have prior knowledge of JavaScript and want to learn more advanced topics can go for this course.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.8 from 150,173 learners.


This course has 21 sections, 320 lectures and a duration of 69 hours and 0 minutes.

The Complete JavaScript Course : From Zero to Expert!

Click here to know more and register

2. The Complete Web Development Bootcamp

It was created by Dr Angela Yu. You will not only learn JavaScript but also other web development applications such as HTML, Node, MongoDB, CSS, Web3, React, and DApps. Over 751,576 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in May. 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You would become an expert in both back and front-end development.
  • You will learn how to do backend development while using Node.
  • After completing this course, you would be capable enough to apply for the position of a junior developer.
  • You will learn the newest technologies like React, JavaScript, and Node.
  • After this course, You would be able to create fully functional web apps and websites for your business or startup.

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who wants to create web apps and websites for your business or startup. Advanced programmers can opt for this course. You can also go for this course if you want to learn how to write code with the help of useful projects.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 221,253 learners.


This course has 41 sections, 490 lectures and a duration of 65 hours and 39 minutes.

   The Complete Web Development Bootcamp

Click here to know more and register

3. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

It was created by Anthony Alicea. This is an intermediate course of JavaScript where you will know closures, Prototypes, and scope. Over 178,808 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in July. 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will understand the fundamentals of Javascript and how to works
  • After this course, You would be able to write excellent JavaScript code.
  • You will be able to grasp the source code of well-known JavaScript frameworks.
  • You will learn how to create your own JavaScript framework.
  • After this course, you would be able to solve problems in JavaScript
  • After this course, you would be able to avoid common mistakes made by JavaScript coders.
  • You would be able to grasp more advanced concepts like prototypal inheritance, IIFEs, closures, and many other concepts.

Who is this course for?

It is for newcomers and advanced JavaScript coders who wish to improve their knowledge of this language. This course is for people who made errors while previously writing code and want to avoid making them. It is also for someone who had difficulty learning concepts like closure, object prototypes and various other advanced concepts. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 45,405 learners.


This course has 13 sections, 89 lectures and a duration of 12 hours and 13 minutes.

JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts

Click here to know more and register

4. JavaScript – The Complete Guide (Beginner + Advanced)

It was created by Maximilian Schwarzmuller. This course is a beginner-to-expert guide for learners. Over 115,385 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in August. 

Why this Best Javascript Course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You would be able to fully grasp JavaScript, the whole nine yards.
  • After completing this course, you would become capable of applying for jobs related to JavaScript.
  • You will learn Https requests, Handling, and asynchronous coding.
  • You will learn all the must-know concepts of JavaScript development.
  • You would have a practical learning experience as this is a project-driven course.
  • You will learn performance optimization and Meta-programming.
  • After this course, you would have a deep understanding of JavaScript engines and the way it works. 
  • You will learn how web pages can be manipulated with the help of JavaScript.
  • You will learn about all the things of Objects, functions, variables, and arrays.

Who is this course for?

It is for newcomers in web development with little to no experience in JavaScript. However, people with advanced knowledge about JavaScript who want to expand their knowledge on this subject can also opt for this course. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 22,459 learners.


This course has 36 sections, 617 lectures and a duration of 52 hours and 37 minutes.

JavaScript – The Complete Guide (Beginner + Advanced)

Click here to know more and register

5. JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

It was created by Andrei Neagoie and Zero to Mastery. This is an advanced course made for JavaScript developers. Over 61,726 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in September. 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn all the advanced practices of JavaScript
  • You will learn error handling, garbage collection, memory leaks, type coercion, higher-order functions, .call(), .bind(), and .apply(), Stack overflow, and IIFE.
  • You will learn event loops with asynchronous JavaScript.
  • You will learn prototype chain+inheritance
  • You will learn about functional programming.
  • You will learn inheritance vs composition.

Who is this course for?

It is for people who know the basics and want to gain more profound knowledge about JavaScript. People who are junior JavaScript developers and web developers can also opt for this course.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 11,473 learners.


This course has 17 sections, 229 lectures and a duration of 25 hours and 23 minutes.

JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

Click here to know more and register

Parting thoughts

So, now you know the courses you can take to learn more about JavaScript. JavaScript is a must-know language for web developers. You can connect with the instructor in case you have any doubts.

Each course offers you something different and it is up to you to decide which one better suits your needs and career. If you want to build your own website then JavaScript is for you. It can help you create a website that is almost “alive”. 

We hope you found this article interesting and informative.

Good Luck!!

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