Top 5 Node JS Courses Online

Node JS Courses Introduction

Node JS was developed by Rayn Dahl in 2009. It is a technology highly used by backend developers. It offers a wide range of potential applications for development under JavaScript libraries which makes it an ideal setting for creating highly efficient ecosystem applications. 

Node JS is an open source technology and can be used to develop all sorts of applications with detailed process-driven backend functionalities. It is very performant and runs in a single process without creating a thread of new requests. Libraries are written using a non blocking paradigm. 

Node JS is a very powerful backend functionality development JavaScript based Library because of claims that portals like PayPal have reduced their average response time by 35% just by deploying Node JS based infrastructure. When giants like Netflix, PayPal are using new JS-based technology infrastructure, it is definitely worth learning development under this umbrella of web development. Henceforth, investing in such courses and learning such high end technology could be a life changing decision in 2022. It can widen your opportunities for job acceptance.

Read through to understand about most sought-after Node JS courses in the market for you

Top 5 Node JS Courses on Udemy

The below mentioned courses will teach you the basics of Node JS and it empowers you to  start creating backend and full stack web apps using JavaScript

These courses are a great way to learn about the ideas behind server-side web development. You will discover the various components that make up backend webs. After completing this course, you’ll be prepared to investigate well-known Node frameworks to create reliable applications.

1.NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

This course was created by Maximilian Schwarzmuller. This course offers you how to become an expert in Deno.js, and Node JS. Additional benefits include how to make REST APIs, add authentication, make use of MongoDB, Node.js, SQL and various other things. Over 180,670 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in August. 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn the most demanded language in the field of web development.
  • You will learn how to make fast, scalable, and modern server-side web apps while using NodeJS, and databases like MongoDB, SQL, and more.
  • You will learn the fundamental and advanced concepts of NodeJS.
  • You will learn how to create server-side rendered applications, GraphQl APIs, and REST APIs.
  • In this course, you will be introduced to Deno JS.  

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who is a novice or intermediate web developer who wants to learn backend development using NodeJS and advanced NodeJS developers who want to learn a specific feature like how to use GraphQL with NodeJS. It is also for users who want to learn how to create fast, scalable, and modern web applications. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 35,386 learners.


This course has 36 sections, 542 lectures and a duration of 40 hours and 31 minutes.

NodeJS – The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)

Click here to know more and register

2.Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide

It is also designed by Maximilian Schwarzmuller. In this course, you will mainly learn to make a connection to your Angular Frontend to Express, NodeJS, & MongoDB backend. Over 114,353 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in September.      

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn how to connect the Frontend and backend of Angular and NodeJS respectively. 
  • You will learn how to make use of ExpressJS as a framework of NodeJS.
  • You will learn to use MongoDB in collaboration with backend data.
  • You will learn how to create an actual NodeJS+Angular app. 

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who has existing knowledge of Angular and NodeJS to use. If you are interested in creating full-stack applications, you can opt for this course. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 22.535 learners.


This course has 13 sections, 152 lectures and a duration of 12 hours and 45 minutes.

Angular & NodeJS – The MEAN Stack Guide

Click here to know more and register

3.Microservices with Node JS and React

It is designed by Stephen Grider. In this course, you will mainly learn how to create and launch an eCommerce application by using Microservices made with Node, Docker, Kuberbnetes, and React. Over 86,533 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in September.      

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn how to create a server-side rendered React application that renders data from the microservices. 
  • You will learn how to create a comprehensive test that ensures each service is working as designed
  • You will learn how to resolve concurrency issues in the distributed systems ecosystem. 
  • You will learn how to launch a multi-service app to the cloud while using Kubernetes and Docker.
  • You will learn how to distribute reusable code between various Express servers with the help of customs NPM packages.
  • You will learn how to make scalable apps with the help of a group of microservices. 
  • You will share data between services by taking the help of Lightning-fast event bus. 
  • You will learn how enterprise companies make their infrastructure. 

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who is a Javascript engineer and wants to make a scalable and large application. But It is not for sysadmins that are focused on infrastructure development. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.8 from 12,576 learners.


This course has 26 sections, 662 lectures and a duration of 54 hours and 36 minutes.

Microservices with Node JS and React

Click here to know more and register

4.Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp

It was created by Jonas Schmedtmann. You would become an expert in node and use it to create authentic RESTful API and web applications that contain Node.js, payments, authentication with other relevant things. Over 81,937 students enrolled for this Udemy course. This course was last updated in June.      

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course

  • If you take this course, you would become a master in the entire modern bank-end stack. 
  • You will learn how to create security with sanitization, encryption, rate limiting, etc. 
  • You will learn how to use data in NoSQL databases that include geospatial data.
  • You will learn how to create a comprehensive, real-life application from scratch.
  • You would gain a deep knowledge of Mongoose with all the advanced features.
  • You will learn how to create advanced authorization and authentication that include password reset.
  • You will learn how to create downloadable videos, and design assets and codes for projects. 
  • You will learn how to create rendering websites on servers using Pug templates
  • You will learn how to make a CRUD operation using Mongoose and MongoDB.
  • You will know how exactly Node works, including Blocking vs non-blocking code, modules, event loop, streams, etc.

Who is this course for?

It is for someone who is a front-end developer and who is looking to learn back-end development. You can take this course if you want to develop more back-end skills. However, this course will be perfect for you if you already have JavaScript skills and want to learn to create scalable back-end application. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 13,562 learners.


This course has 15 sections, 229 lectures and a duration of 42 hours and 12 minutes.

Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp

Click here to know more and register

5.Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

This course was made by Stephen Grider. By opting this course, you will learn web apps like React, Express, MongoDB, Redux, and NodeJS. Over 81,644 students enrolled for this Udemy course. It was last updated in September.

Why this course?

You will learn the following things

  • You would become a master in design patterns and web technologies and how to connect them.
  • You will learn how you can use a backend server to make and send emails efficiently.
  • You will learn how to create an application with Google OAuth authentication.
  • You will experience how starter projects can be created with Redux, Express, Mongo, and React.

Who is this course for?

People who want to create full-stack applications using the newest web technologies can take this course.

Course Rating

This has a rating of 4.7 with 14,148 learners.


This course contains 14 sections, 213 lectures and a duration of 25 hours and 49 minutes.

Node with React: Fullstack Web Development

Click here to know more and register

Parting Thoughts

This tool for sure is one of the most interesting and advanced technologies today. It is indeed the most popular web development platform. 

Also it is supported by Amazon Web Services and some of the other popular companies. The efficiency of Node JS can be predicted by high end companies using it including GoDaddy, LinkedIn, Coursera, Netflix, Uber, Spotify, and Twitter. Expertise on this tool can add credits to your resume. Every course in the above mentioned list comes with distinct characteristics, it is upto you to decide which one would do justice to your skills and better suits your goals.

Happy learning!!

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