7 Best Information Security Courses Online (Free + Paid)

Information Security Introduction

It is pointless to say, cyberspace crimes have expanded with extremely large usage of the internet and development of technology. The organizations around the world are trying to establish strong measures to safeguard their database. Acquire these high demanding skills of information security and get exposed to infinite possibilities. 

Zest this complete information and escalate your knowledge from basic to advanced, paid to free, all applicable beneath a single click.

1.Information Security Management Fundamentals For Non-Techies By Udemy


The course is framed by Alton Hardin. This course is designed to give you step by step guidance to learn the fundamentals of information security. As of now 33,959 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Core principles
  3. Risk management
  4. Asset management
  5. Access control
  6. Security malware
  7. Vulnerabilities
  8. Network segmentation
  9. Network security
  10. Wireless network security
  11. Security assessment
  12. Security tools
  13. Hardening end-user systems
  14. Cryptography
  15. Incident response
  16. Disaster recovery
  17. Business continuity
  18. Application development
  19. Personal policies
  20. Class mini-case scenarios

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages: 

  • You can learn the fundamentals of information security. 
  • You will get to know the major principles of information security. 
  • You will get the working knowledge of information security. 
  • You will get much advanced knowledge of information security. 
  • You will be able to secure your data as well as business. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by any non-techie who is an aspiring IT professional. 


It has accomplished a rating of 4.6 from 10,138 learners. 


The course constitutes 20 sections, 131 lectures and a duration of 10h 10m.

Information Security Management Fundamentals For Non-Techies By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2. Certified Information Systems Security Officer (CISSO)  By Udemy


The course is framed by Stone River eLearning. This course is formed to give you the knowledge of information security as well as prepare for the CISSO certification exam. As of now 3,628 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered:

  1. Risk management
  2. Security management
  3. Authentication
  4. Access control
  5. Security models
  6. Operations security
  7. Systematic cryptography
  8. Hashing
  9. Asymmetric cryptography
  10. PKI
  11. Network connections
  12. Network protocols
  13. Telephony, VPNs & wireless
  14. Security architecture
  15. Software security
  16. Database security
  17. System development
  18. Malware
  19. Software attacks
  20. Business continuity
  21. Disaster recovery
  22. Incident management
  23. Laws & ethics
  24. Physical

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages: 

  • You will study security and risk management.
  • You will learn about various security models.
  • You will gain information of both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. 
  • You will get to know the architecture of security. 
  • You will get ready to take the CISSO exam. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by everyone wanting to study about information security as well as to prepare for the CISSO certification. 


It has accomplished a rating of 4.6 from 475 learners. 


The course constitutes 19 sections, 74 lectures and a duration of 20h 20m.

Certified Information Systems Security Officer (CISSO)  By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3. Information Security Risk Management (ISO 27005)  By Udemy


The course is framed by Mohammad Mahjoub. This course focuses mainly on guiding you how to manage and control information security risks in a professional manner. As of now 1,063 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Risk concept
  2. Cyber risk definition
  3. Risk management
  4. Implementation & requirement
  5. Risk identification
  6. Threats & vulnerabilities
  7. Risk analysis
  8. Assessment approaches
  9. Treatment & residual risks
  10. Risk acceptance
  11. Risk metrics

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages:

  • You will gain information about risk management from the basics. 
  • You will learn to identify threats. 
  • You will be able to develop an efficient risk treatment plan. 
  • You will study about the implementations and requirements of risk management. 
  • You will get to know about various risk assessments. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by each of you having interest in learning skills of information security risk management. 


It has accomplished a rating of 4.8 from 27 learners. 


The course constitutes 1 section, 11 lectures and a duration of 1h 13m.

Information Security Risk Management (ISO 27005)  By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4. How To Become A CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)  By Udemy


The course is framed by Theodore Panagacos. This course instructs you step by step how to boost your job opportunities and secure a highly paying position. As of now 9,921 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Introduction
  2. What is CISO? 
  3. Skills required for CISO
  4. Certifications required
  5. Major roles & challenges
  6. CISO leadership

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages: 

  • You will have directions to become CISO. 
  • You will know about the eligibility of CISO. 
  • You will learn about the necessary skills required. 
  • You will study the challenges and roles. 
  • You will learn to avoid the mistakes in order to become a great CISO. 

Who is this course for

The course can be linked by anybody interested in jump starting their career in information security. 


It has accomplished a rating of 4.3 from 337 learners. 


The course constitutes 2 sections, 13 lectures and a duration of 2h 9m.

How To Become A CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)  By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5. ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Controls Explained By Udemy


The course is framed by Dr. Amar Massoud. This course lays out the information security controls of ISO. It will explain to you how Annex A is structured. As of now 3,697 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Information security policy
  3. Information security organisation
  4. Human resource security
  5. Asset management
  6. Access control
  7. Cryptography
  8. Physical security
  9. Environmental security
  10. Operations security
  11. System acquisition
  12. System development
  13. System maintenance
  14. Supplier relationship
  15. Incident management
  16. Business continuity management
  17. Compliance

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages:

  • You will gain knowledge of all the 14 sections of annex A. 
  • You will understand the writing and reviewing policies of information security. 
  • You will study cryptography in detail. 
  • You will learn about physical as well as environmental security. 
  • You will learn business information security management. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by IT professionals wanting to adopt information security management controls in their industry. 


It has accomplished a rating of 4.0 from 607 learners. 


The course constitutes 15 sections, 32 lectures and a duration of 7h 2m.

ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Controls Explained By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6. User Information Security Principles:  10 Tips For A Secure Practice By Alison ( Free Course )

The course is framed by Inforensic. This course enables you to protect your data and systems  through this complete model that teaches you how to safeguard yourself from becoming a victim of cybercrimes. As of now 669 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Regular updates
  3. Protection
  4. Regular data backup
  5. Regular change of passwords
  6. Protection of passwords
  7. Multi-factor authentication
  8. Lock confidential data
  9. System protection
  10. Data protection
  11. Protect personal data
  12. Encryption & authenticity
  13. Avoid illegal sources
  14. Avoid Counterfeit sources
  15. Report security risks
  16. Common responsibility

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages:

  • You will learn the importance of data and system protection.
  • You will learn the necessity of regularly changing your passwords. 
  • You will get to know how to back up files regularly.
  • You will study multi-factor authentication. 
  • You will be able to recognize fake and illegal resources. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by the public wanting to get free online training regarding information security. 


The course constitutes a duration of 5-6 hours. 

User Information Security Principles:  10 Tips For A Secure Practice By Alison ( Free Course )

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7. Information Security For Project Managers: Encryption And Hashing By Alison ( Free Course )

The course is framed by Frank Hissen. This course will instruct you about the various terminologies and tactics of information security necessary for project managers. As of now 840 students have grabbed this offer. 

Topics covered: 

  1. Introduction
  2. Encryption terminologies
  3. Techniques
  4. Password hashing
  5. Security for projects

Why this course? 

After joining this course, you’re going to get following advantages:

  • You will get to know basic terminologies of information security. 
  • You will study about password hashing. 
  • You will learn various techniques of information security. 
  • You will get to know the purpose of information security. 
  • You will learn about information security projects. 

Who is this course for? 

The course can be linked by everyone having passion for acquiring skills of project and general managers from a free platform. 


The course constitutes a duration of 4-5 hours. 

Information Security For Project Managers: Encryption And Hashing By Alison ( Free Course )

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


These are some of the finest information security courses you could search on the web. Join any of the  courses and get the most important skill of  information security since a lot of industries are struggling to improve their security systems. To save your time, energy and money we have catalogued some of the best online courses for you in both paid and free formats.


1.What is meant by information security? 

Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized activities including inspection, modification, recording and any disruption or destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property. 

2.Is information security a good career? 

You’ll be doing something good.Besides protecting organisations, information security professionals are the ones who help protect critical infrastructure as well as the privacy of the everyday consumer. If you’ve always wanted to be in a respectable and valuable profession, this one fits the bill.

3.Is information security hard to learn? 

No, information security isn’t hard. Although there may be difficult concepts, like cryptography or areas that require more technical knowledge, it is one of the few fields in the tech world that doesn’t require a strong technical background.

4.Is security a stressful job? 

Chronic Stress – Long-term stress from situations where a person feels he or she does not have control over the outcome, potentially causing serious situations. Stress is common in the security industry. 

5.Can I learn information security in 6 months? 

On average it will take between six months and two years to learn about information security. If only a basic understanding is needed, a six-month course may be sufficient.

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