IT Network and Fundamentals Course Introduction
In the era of technological and digital advancement, most industries depend on efficiency and potential that only IT professionals can put forward. The advantage of studying Information Technology is how you open yourself to the huge landscape of jobs at both national and international level. A career in technology is regarded as one of the most in-demand professions in the world.
Relish this complete information and increase your knowledge from basic to advanced, paid to free, all available beneath a single click.
1.IT Networking Fundamentals For Complete Beginners By Udemy

The course is generated by Syed Raza and Syed Ali. This course furnishes you with all the fundamentals of IT networking necessary for every IT professional. As of now 14,378 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Local area networking
- OSI model
- Internet protocol
- Implementing TCP/IP
- Networking services
- Network infrastructure
- Network security
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will get to know what a network is about.
- You will study TCP/IP in the command line.
- You will gain information about networking services.
- You will learn the infrastructure of the network.
- You will be able to learn the functions of networking.
Who is this course for?
The course is for each one of you who wants to improve their IT technical skills.
The course has achieved a rating of 4.5 from 1,593 participants.
The course comprises 8 sections, 25 lectures and a duration of 3h 4m.
IT Network and Fundamentals Course For Complete Beginners By Udemy
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2. IT Fundamentals – Everything You Need To Know About IT By Udemy

The course is generated by Imran Afzal. This course provides you a chance to learn all the basic knowledge of IT. Besides that, this course also prepares you for various exams. As of now 23,831 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Computer components
- Hardware
- Operating systems
- Software
- Networking
- Database
- Storage
- Virtualization and cloud
- Computer security
- Windows management
- Linux management
- Troubleshooting concepts
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will learn all about the components of a computer.
- You will get to know how IT works.
- You will learn the management of operating systems.
- You will study about the storage system.
- You will be able to get all the information about your IT career.
Who is this course for?
The course is for every person having interest to gain knowledge of IT and get ready to qualify exams.
The course has achieved a rating of 4.6 from 3,029 participants.
The course comprises 14 sections, 151 lectures and a duration of 11h 20m.
IT Fundamentals – Everything You Need To Know About IT By Udemy
Click Here to Know more and Register to this course
3. IT Networking Fundamentals: Be A Computer Networking Expert By Udemy

The course is generated by Anchal Kamra. This course is designed to give you a complete guide to provide you with the knowledge of computer networking from scratch. As of now 554 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Network
- Data communication
- Transmission media
- Protocol stacks
- Concept of addressing & switching
- IP addressing
- Communication devices
- Information security
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will get to know the various terminologies used in computer networking.
- You will know all about information technology.
- You will study switching techniques.
- You will learn main concepts about IP addressing.
- You will learn from the basic level and reach up to CCNA.
Who is this course for?
The course is for anyone having zero knowledge of IT and wants to learn the IT networking fundamentals from scratch.
The course has achieved a rating of 4.0 from 130 participants.
The course comprises 8 sections, 22 lectures and a duration of 5h 4m.
IT Networking Fundamentals: Be A Computer Networking Expert By Udemy
Click Here to Know more and Register to this course
4. Introduction To Computer Information Systems Specialization By Coursera

The course is generated by Tim Carrington and offered by UCI Division Of Continuing Education. This course provides a comprehensive step by step model to teach you the basic skills necessary before getting into the IT sector. As of now 2,966 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Hardware
- Software
- Data
- Security
- Privacy
- Productivity
- System development
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will be able to establish basic computer information.
- You will get to know how to use the internet for your productivity.
- You will learn to manage security and protect data.
- You will get prepared for a number of different jobs in information systems.
- You will be able to learn as per your convenience as there are no fixed deadlines.
Who is this course for?
The course is for all, especially students who have no prior experience of computer systems.
The course has achieved a rating of 4.3 from 55 participants.
The course comprises 3 months of learning.
Introduction To Computer Information Systems Specialization By Coursera
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5. 4G Network Fundamentals By Coursera

The course is generated by Xavier Lagrange and offered by Institute Mines-Telecom. This course lays out the detailed description of 4G network technology to make you understand all about the network architecture. As of now 1,848 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Architecture
- General principles
- Security procedures
- Radio interface
- Management of data flows
- Management of sporadic nature
- Mobility management
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will gain information about the fundamentals of the 4G network.
- You will study the functions of 4G.
- You will be able to know the architecture of 4G.
- You will learn about mobility management.
- You will get to analyse the 4G network from scratch.
Who is this course for?
The course is for masses wanting to get complete knowledge of 4G network fundamentals.
The course has achieved a rating of 4.7 from 19 participants.
The course comprises 19 hours of learning.
4G Network Fundamentals By Coursera
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6. Computer Network Fundamentals By IT Masters ( Free Course )
The course is taught by Matt Constable and provided by Charles Sturt University. This course mainly focuses on teaching you about the computer networking fundamentals. As of now 16,103 students have grabbed this chance.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Networking basics
- Infrastructure
- Network operations
- Network security
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will get all necessary knowledge of networking from the basics.
- You will understand the infrastructure of computer networking.
- You will be able to learn scanning and monitoring processes.
- You will study basic security concepts.
- You will give a practice exam at the end and monitor your performance.
Who is this course for?
The course is for anybody wanting to enhance the skills of computer networking from a free platform.
The course comprises 4 weeks of learning.
Computer Network Fundamentals By IT Masters ( Free Course )
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7. IT Networking Fundamentals By YouTube ( Free Course )
The course is given by YouTube channel Rajneesh Gupta. This course gives you a chance to enhance your IT foundations. As of now there are over 7.7k views on this course.
Topics covered:
- Introduction
- Packets
- OSI layer
- Ethernet switch
- Home or small office router
- Enterprise router
- Firewall security rules
- How ping works
- How traceroute works
Why this course?
After enrolling this course, you’ll get below advantages:
- You will learn the major topic and concepts of IT.
- You will study the OSI layer.
- You will be able to understand home as well as enterprise routers.
- You will gain information about firewall security.
- You will study both recursive DNS and authoritative DNS.
Who is this course for?
The course is for all of us who want to improve their concepts of IT without paying.
The course comprises a duration of 50m.
IT Networking Fundamentals By YouTube ( Free Course )
Click Here to Know more and Register to this course
These are some of the best IT network and fundamentals courses you could find on the internet. Learning new innovative skills is necessary to advance your professional life. The benefits of studying Information technology are boundless when it comes to career versatility. To save your time, energy and money we have catalogued some of the best online courses for you in both paid and free formats.
Learn and earn!
1.What does an IT network do?
Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other. These networked devices use a system of rules called communications protocols, to transmit information over physical or wireless technologies.
2.Is IT networking a good career?
Computer networking will continue to rise in popularity as technology advances. According to a study completed by IT Career Finder, jobs such as network administrator and computer systems analyst are in the top 10 best jobs in IT.
3.What is the difference between IT and IT networking?
information technology is the development, maintenance, or use of systems — especially computer systems, software and networks — for storing, retrieving and sending information. Computer networking is the process of electronically linking two or more computing devices to exchange information through data connections.
4.Why is IT called networking?
The Internet is called a network of networks because it is a global network of computers that are linked together by cables and telephone lines making communication possible among them. It can be defined as a global network over a million smaller heterogeneous computer networks.
5.Are networking jobs stressful?
Traditional networking is stressful because it has us pushing into other people’s networks. Being a connector not only pulls others to us, it leads others to pull us into their networks.