7 Best Natural Language Processing Courses Online(Free + Paid)

Natural Language Processing Introduction

Natural language processing (NLP) is a sub-domain of AI and mainly focuses on the interaction between human language and computers. The career prospect and growth in this field is immense. So, if you are tired of searching “online course natural language processing,” here we have brought you the best online courses for natural language processing from the depths of the internet. You can take these NLP courses online for your natural language processing training. 

So, here are some best NLP courses for you.

1. Data Science: Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python by Udemy

This course was created by Lazy Programmer Inc. Here, you will learn how Nlp can be applied in certain cases like spam detection, sentiment analysis, latent semantic analysis, and decrypting ciphers. Over 42,975 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in November.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Natural language processing and why it is used
  2. Cipher decryption algorithms
  3. Sentiment analysis and more

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to use language modelling and genetic algorithms to create your cipher decryption algorithms. 
  • You will learn to create spam detection algorithms in Python.
  • You will learn to do latent semantic analysis in Python.

Who is this course for?

It is for people who wish to learn machine learning. It is also for people who are comfortable with coding in Python and want to learn more about Natural language processing. 

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 11,217 learners.


This course has 15 sections, 88 lectures, and a duration of 11 hours and 50 minutes.

Data Science: Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2. Natural Language Processing Specialization by Coursera

This course is offered by DeepLearning. A.I. This is a specialization course on NLP, and you will learn various NLP techniques. After this course is completed, you will be capable of using NLP in various cases like creating chatbots, sentiment analysis, and more. Over 86,204 learners are enrolled in this course.

Topics Covered in this Course: 

  1. Natural language processing and related concepts 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn how word embeddings, Markov models, and dynamic programming can be used for implementing functions like autocorrect.
  • You will learn to implement complete analogies and sentiment analysis using logistic regression. 
  • You will learn entity recognition and text generation using recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

Who is this course for?

It is an advanced-level NLP course, so some prerequisites like machine learning, DL frameworks, and understanding of statistics, linear algebra, and calculator are required.  


You can complete this course in 4 months if you study an average of 8 hours per week.

Natural Language Processing Specialization by Coursera

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3. Complete Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tutorial in Python! (with examples) on Youtube (Channel: Kreith Galli)

You can find this course on the channel Kreith Galli on youtube. You will be taught the major concepts involved in natural language processing while taking the help of Python. This course is neatly divided into various topics, so you can revisit any part if you have doubts.

Topics Covered in this Course:

  1. Word vectors
  2. Spell corrections
  3. Stemming and lemmatization
  4. Attention

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about bag-of-words along with their examples.
  • You will learn about regexes in Python.
  • You will learn various techniques like spell correction and more.

Who is this course for?

Both beginners, as well as experts, will find this course on NLP beneficial.  


This course has a duration of 1 hour and 37 minutes. 

Complete Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tutorial in Python! (with examples) on Youtube (Channel: Kreith Galli)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4. Introduction to Natural Language Processing by mygreatlearning

You can find this free NLP course on mygreatlearning. This is an introductory course on natural language processing, and you will learn many related concepts like tokenization, lemmatization, modelling techniques in NLP, and removing stopwords. 

Topics Covered in this Course:

  1. NLP
  2. Python
  3. Stemming and lemmatization
  4. Sentiment analysis
  5. TextBlob

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to make recommendation systems, chatbots, and more.
  • You will learn about lemmatization.
  • You will learn about tokenization and how to implement it. 

Who is this course for?

It is for beginners in Natural Learning Programming.  


This course has a duration of 4 hours and 30 minutes. 

Introduction to Natural Language Processing by mygreatlearning

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5. Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning in Python by Udemy

This course was also created by Lazy Programmer Inc. Here, you will learn to derive and implement word embeddings, GloVe, and word2vec. Over 42,164 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in November.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Word2vec
  2. GloVe
  3. CBOW
  4. Sentiment analysis

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to use recurrent neural networks for the purpose of entity recognition and parts-to-speech tagging.
  • You will learn to learn how negative sampling optimization can be done in Word2vec.
  • You will learn how to compute similarities and obtain pertained word vectors using Gensim. 

Who is this course for?

It is people who wish to create excellent neural network architectures. But you should take this course if you are familiar with Python coding, Numpy coding, probability, and taking derivatives.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 7,111 learners.


This course has 13 sections, 95 lectures, and a duration of 12 hours and 2 minutes.

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning in Python by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6. Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow by Coursera

This is another course offered by DeepLearning. A.I. Here, you will learn to make NLP systems using Tensorflow so that you can make scalable applications. Over 111,745 learners are enrolled in this course.

Topics Covered in this Course: 

  1. Sequence models
  2. Word embeddings
  3. Sentiment in text 

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to apply concepts like LSTMs, GRUs, and RNNs in Tensorflow.
  • You will learn to teach LSTMs to create poetry and perform other functions.
  • You will learn to represent text as vectors and perform tokenization.

 Who is this course for?

It is another advanced-level NLP course, so you should be comfortable coding in Python and Tensorflow. 


You can complete this course in just 24 hours.

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow by Coursera

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7. Deep Learning: Advanced Natural Language Processing and RNNs by Udemy

This is yet another course in this list that Lazy Programmer Inc created. This course teaches you advanced Nlp concepts like attention, seq2seq, memory networks, CNNs and RNNs. Over 26,668 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in November.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Attention
  2. Memory networks
  3. Tensorflow and Keras basics

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to make a text classification system that you can use for sentiment analysis and spam detection.
  • You will learn to create an attention mode, memory network, and seq2seq (sequence to sequence) model.
  • You will learn to deploy machine learning algorithms from the beginning. 

Who is this course for?

It is people who wish to learn natural language processing in-depth. Students and professionals in deep learning, artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning will also find this course beneficial.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 4,885 learners.


This course has 11 sections, 65 lectures, and a duration of 8 hours and 17 minutes.

Deep Learning: Advanced Natural Language Processing and RNNs by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


NLP has existed for over 50 years and has been used in various fields like business intelligence, search engines, and medical research. So, you can learn NLP by enrolling in any of the Natural language processing online courses on this list. In addition, when your course is completed, you can put your Natural Language Processing certification in your C.V. 

Keep learning, Keep growing !!


Q. How to learn natural language processing?

You can start learning Natural language processing by enrolling in various online and offline courses. 

Q. How to learn NLP for free?

There are many NLP online courses offered by leading universities for free that you can take. The best thing is that you will have access to the best faculties, and that can improve your learning curve.

Q. Is natural language processing machine learning?

Natural language processing comes under machine learning and is used to make computers understand and analyze human language.

Q. What is natural language process?

Natural language processing refers to the process of computers understanding human language, whether it is spoken or written. NLP uses artificial intelligence to take that input and make sense of it. 

Q. What is natural language processing?

It is the manipulation of natural language like text and speech by software. The main goal of NLP is to understand large amounts of data, like the contents of a document and be able to perform functions like organizing the data.

Q. What niche is NLP?

NLP is a subfield of artificial intelligence. 

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