7 Best Conversion Rate Optimization Courses Online

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization Introduction

If you want to increase the conversion rate of your website, you should learn about conversion optimization. This is a process that entails enhancing the efficacy of your website’s design and content to encourage visitors to do the desired action, such as joining an email list or purchasing something from you online. Fortunately, many excellent online courses are available to teach you the ropes these days.

This blog post will go through the top 7 best online conversion optimization courses. Whether you’re just starting or trying to improve your abilities, these courses will help you to a better website or app performance.

1.The complete conversion rate optimization course by Udemy

Master Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO to boost your conversion rates! This course provides a step-by-step roadmap for the Conversion Rate Optimization procedure. It is based on numerous books and courses in this exciting field. You will learn how to do effective Conversion Rate Optimization research, examine websites, and generate hypotheses during the course. You will also learn how to properly set up A/B testing, track and analyze test results, continuously improve your website’s conversion rates, and more.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Conduct appropriate optimization research based on data, users, science, and your knowledge.
  • Set up, track, and analyze successful A/B tests to achieve continual optimization.
  • Learn more about your website visitors (psychologically).
  • Create relevant insights and prioritize them to maximize the percentage of successful A/B tests.
  • Capability to examine webpages and identify conversion killers
  • Obtain reliable data from A/B tests to conduct trustworthy and valid analyses.
  • Draw the proper conclusions from A/B experiments.
  • Continue to boost your conversion rates by understanding the CRO procedure.

Why this course: 

This course will teach you all you must know practically and entertainingly. You will create your test plan using practical examples, exercises, and free resources, putting you on track for long-term success.

Who is this course for: 

  • Beginner and intermediate-level Conversion Specialists interested in becoming experts in this industry 
  • Entrepreneurs and e-commerce administrators who want to maintain growing their website’s conversion rate and beat the competition

Course rating: 

1321 students gave a 4.7 rating to this course


9.5 hours video

The complete conversion rate optimization course by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2.The ultimate e-commerce conversion rate optimization course by Udemy

This course is designed for E-commerce store owners and anyone else who wants to improve their e-commerce conversion rate. This course uses split test data from several multinational agencies, customers, and seasoned E-commerce consultants to depict exactly how to optimize your store for optimal conversions.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Boost your online sales
  • Improve your understanding of your online customers
  • Access tools to help you boost the conversion rate of your website.
  • Discover the top 5 conversion killers.
  • Discover the 11 CRO areas that can make the most difference.

Why this course: 

Don’t be concerned if you lack technological expertise or need dedicated webmaster support. We’ve got you covered in this course, with either free or low-cost methods for executing whatever changes you want.

Who is this course for: 

  • Business owners 
  • Web developers 
  • Webmasters 
  • Agencies 

Course Rating: 

3.8 rating was given by 83 students. 


2.5 hours video

The ultimate e-commerce conversion rate optimization course by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3.Attract and engage customers with digital marketing by Coursera

The second of the seven courses in the Google Digital Marketing and E-commerce Certificate is Attract and Engage Customers with Digital Marketing. This course will teach you how to attract and engage clients online using search engine optimization or SEO, search engine marketing OR SEM, and display advertising.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Create customer personas and a target audience
  • Explain the marketing funnel’s goal and benefits.
  • Understand how to enhance your conversion rate
  • Explain the objective of SEO and the critical SEO concepts to understand
  • Use Google Search Console and its reports to monitor a site’s appearance in Google Search results
  • Recognize the benefits of SEM and why it is essential;
  • Comprehend the principles of Google Ads and audience targeting.

Why this course: 

You will learn about the marketing funnel stages and how digital marketing methods can move clients through them—in addition, understanding SEO principles such as keyword research, SEO, and link building will teach you how to boost the quality and quantity of website visitors.

Who is this course for: 

This course is for beginners, and no prior knowledge is required to opt for this course. 

Course rating: 

4.8 ratings were given by 1557 students. 


21 hours 

Attract and engage customers with digital marketing by Coursera

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4.Unique and Specific ways to increase your E-commerce management by Udemy 

This course will introduce you to carefully prepared experiments discovered during years of working in the user experience industry. By creating effective micro components, you may lessen user irritation during failures. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Increase the number of eCommerce subscribers and registered users
  • Create powerful communications that help users make decisions faster.
  • Create strategies for increasing the number of products in your purse and on your want list.
  • Reduce cognitive user demands and accelerate the purchasing journey by providing information on purpose.
  • Create an enjoyable shopping experience, and encourage positive emotions among your customers.

Why this course: 

You will notice that enormous products demand a lot of attention for small details. And after completing this quick and entertaining course, you will be able to apply their principles to your product.

Who is this course for: 

  • Beginners and intermediates:
  • Product owners and managers
  • Designers of user experiences
  • Copywriters

Course rating: 

45 students give a rating of 4.5. 


One-and-a-half-hour video

Unique and Specific ways to increase your E-commerce management by Udemy 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5.Advanced conversion rate website optimization course by Skill share

You may have excellent online/offline marketing, macro navigation, a sales funnel, and traffic. As a result, you can be preoccupied with significant issues. However, the big picture is crucial.

  • You should stand out in a crowded market.
  • You want to stay in the user’s thoughts and entice him to return.
  • You want to build a robust internet store.
  • You may wonder what distinguishes a generic store from an exceptional one.
  • You desire more. And what a great attitude to have!

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Conversion planning
  • Web analytics and measurement
  • Conversion with PPC
  • Product optimization
  • Heatmap analysis

Why this course: 

This 5-hour course covers conversion rate optimization training from beginning to end. Lilach Bullock, Conversion Optimization Faculty Chair at Simplilearn, teaches it and offers her significant industry knowledge.


5 hours

Advanced conversion rate website optimization course by Skill share

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6.Optimize your E-commerce product page to increase sales by Udemy

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to simply improve their Ecommerce Product Pages in order to increase conversion rates and, as an aftermath, sales.

Topics covered by this course: 

  • Learn How to Convert Every Visitor to a Potential Customer on Your Ecommerce Product Pages
  • Learn How to Put an End to Any Doubt, Frustration, or Confusion About Optimizing Your E-commerce Product Pages.
  • Learn How to Make More and earn more by Increasing Traffic.
  • Learn about the three optimization strategies that every eCommerce business must employ.

Why this course: 

This course is for individuals who want to learn to improve their eCommerce Product Pages in order to increase conversion rates and, as a result, sales. This course includes everything learned over the last five years that has helped generate substantial money online.

Who is this course for: 

  • Learn How to Easily Optimize Your E-commerce Product Pages for Higher Conversions and Sales.
  • Learn How to Convert Every Visitor to Your E-commerce Product Pages into a Potential Customer. Learn How to Eliminate Doubt, Frustration, or Confusion About Optimizing Your E-commerce Product Page. 

Course rating: 

4.3 rating given by 2467 students.  


1.5 hours video

Optimize your E-commerce product page to increase sales by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7.Foundations of CRO by CXL

This online course provides a concise introduction to conversion rate optimization concepts. It is taught by Peep Laja, the founder and owner of CXL, and lasts approx. 15 minutes.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • What mindset should you have going into your campaigns
  • How the CRO procedure works
  • Hierarchies of conversion
  • CRO’s overall huge picture

Why this course: 

This will help you fill in knowledge gaps and provide actionable information you can use immediately. This brief course is a great place to start if you have a tight schedule. Enrolling is also simple: simply input your email address on the course page, and you’ll be ready to start the course.

Who is this course for: 

This course is designed for beginners. 

Foundations of CRO by CXL

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


With so many courses available, it can take time to determine which ones will truly make a difference. However, with these top-rated and extremely instructive online CRO courses, you’ll never feel like you’re lacking in information again. We hope this has backed you in your search for the ideal course. We are confident and pleased that you will find something suitable. Have fun on your learning trip!

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