7 Best & Free Udemy PyTorch Courses

Udemy PyTorch Courses Introduction

Ready to unlock the power of deep learning? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll be your friendly guide on a journey through the amazing world of PyTorch, one of the most popular deep learning frameworks out there.

Think of PyTorch as your superhero toolkit for building intelligent applications. From recognizing faces in photos to translating languages like a pro, PyTorch can help you achieve incredible things. But don’t worry, you don’t need a cape or superpowers to get started.

Even if you’re new to deep learning, this blog post will be your roadmap to becoming a PyTorch champion. We’ll break down the key concepts into bite-sized pieces, so you can learn by doing and build your first image classification model in no time.

1) PyTorch Tutorial – Neural Networks & Deep Learning in Python by Udemy


Minerva Singh, the instructor of this Udemy Pytorch course, will guide you through the world of deep learning. Learn about neural network applications and AI models with this course.

  • PyTorch Course Instructor

    Minerva Singh

  • Course Rating

    The course includes a rating of 4.7 from 136 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 8 sections • 52 lectures • 6h 18m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


PyTorch Tutorial – Neural Networks & Deep Learning in Python

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

2. PyTorch Tutorial – Neural Networks & Deep Learning in Python by Udemy


Instructor Jose Portilla presents a course that helps you master PyTorch deep learning for state-of-the-art neural networks. This course will help you unlock the potential of Facebook’s PyTorch library in building cutting-edge neural networks. You will learn how to format data into arrays using NumPy, employ pandas for data manipulation and cleaning, grasp classic machine learning theory principles, utilize PyTorch Deep Learning Library for image classification, implement PyTorch with Recurrent Neural Networks for time series data, and craft cutting-edge Deep Learning models for tabular data tasks. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced Python developers who want to learn about Deep Learning with PyTorch.

  • PyTorch Course Instructor

    Jose Portilla

  • Course Rating

    This course features a rating of 4.5 from 4,191 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on12 sections • 97 lectures • 17h 0m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


PyTorch Tutorial – Neural Networks & Deep Learning in Python

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

3. PyTorch Ultimate: From Basics to Cutting-Edge by Udemy


Bert Gollnick’s PyTorch course is designed to help you master the leading Deep Learning framework, PyTorch, and become an adept practitioner. This Udemy PyTorch course covers every facet of PyTorch, from fundamental models to cutting-edge advancements. You’ll learn how to deploy models on-premises and in the Cloud, dive into NLP, CNNs, RNNs, Transformers, and more.

  • PyTorch Course Instructor

    Bert Gollnick

  • Course Rating

    This course contains a rating of 4.5 from 109 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 26 sections • 167 lectures • 17h 24m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


PyTorch Ultimate: From Basics to Cutting-Edge

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

4. PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence by Udemy


Lazy Programmer Inc’s course on PyTorch is a comprehensive course that covers a wide range of topics in deep learning. The course is designed to help you master PyTorch deep learning for state-of-the-art neural networks. You will learn how to build cutting-edge neural networks for computer vision, time series forecasting, natural language processing, generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and more.

  • PyTorch Course Instructor

    Lazy Programmer Inc

  • Course Rating

    This course features a rating of 4.7 from 1,761 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 22 sections • 150 lectures • 24h 23m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


PyTorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

5. Deep Learning with PyTorch for Medical Image Analysis by Udemy


Jose Portilla designed this course, which teaches you how to use PyTorch-Lightning for real-world medical imaging challenges.

  • Course Instructor

    Jose Portilla

  • Course Rating

    This course includes a rating of 4.7 from 797 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 13 sections • 88 lectures • 12h 5m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


Deep Learning with PyTorch for Medical Image Analysis

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

6. Create a text generator in PyTorch from scratch by Udemy (Free)


Tom Keohane Murray’s course on PyTorch is designed to help you learn text generation fundamentals from scratch. In this course, you’ll discover how to craft torch datasets and PyTorch Lightning data modules, assemble a basic text generator, set training objectives, load pretrained models for text sampling, and build a Streamlit app to showcase your generator. This course is ideal for Python developers who have heard about ChatGPT and want to learn how a simple text generator is made. 

  • Course Instructor

    Tom Keohane Murray

  • Course Rating

    This course has a rating of 4.8 from 9 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 3 sections • 8 lectures • 1h 28m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


Create a text generator in PyTorch from scratch.

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

7. Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch by Udemy (Free)


Instructor Denis Volkhonskiy expertly navigates you through mastering Image Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks. Discover advanced Deep Learning and Representation Learning techniques throughout this course.

  • Course Instructor

    Denis Volkhonskiy

  • Course Rating

    This course has a rating of 4.6 from 107 students.

  • Duration

    This course is based on 5 sections • 29 lectures • 1h 54m total length.

  • Certificate


  • Platform


Modern Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.


1. What is PyTorch?

2. How does PyTorch differ from TensorFlow?

3. Can I use PyTorch for both research and production?

4. Does PyTorch support GPU acceleration?

5. Is PyTorch suitable for beginners?

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