7 Best Product Marketing Courses Online (Free + Paid)

Product Marketing Course Introduction

Product marketing is a special and interesting role touching every enterprise unit through marketing, sales, product and patron success. The navigation of all these layers is difficult without the proper skills and experience. These courses give you the best realistic information that you need to succeed in this journey. 

Enjoy this complete guide and increase your knowledge from basic to advanced, paid to free, all available under a single click.

1.Product Marketing Fundamentals By Udemy

This course is framed by Richard King. This course provides you all that you want to know in order to develop a career in product marketing. Over 940 students have been enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 

1.Product marketing fundamentals

2.What is product marketing

3.The product marketing framework

4.Product marketing vs management

5.Starting a successful career

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled you will be benefited in following ways: 

  • You will get clarity about product marketing positions. 
  • You will gain knowledge about the fundamentals of product marketing. 
  • You will learn about the product life cycle. 
  • You will learn to work with product management. 
  • You will gain the skill sets for moving forward in this field. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone who has an interest in or passion for product marketing. 

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.3 from 209 learners. 


This course is based on 5 sections, 15 lectures and a duration of 2h 2m.

Product Marketing Fundamentals By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2.Become a Product Marketing Manager | Product Management MBA By Udemy

This course has been created by Dekker Fraser and Jyra Galosmo. This course provides you the much needed knowledge of product marketing strategy. Over 18,466 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 

1.Strategy and planning

2.Proven methods

3.Go big or go back selling services

4.Product promotion

5.Sizing markets

6.Sizing demand

7.Investor marketing

8.Sales establishment

9.Growth and marketing


Why this course? 

After getting enrolled you will be benefited in following ways: 

  • The best thing about this course is that you will learn to become a product marketing manager. 
  • You will be able to gain all the necessary information about product marketing. 
  • You will learn to launch a new product. 
  • You will learn marketing and lead generation. 
  • You will learn to establish your own brand. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone who wants to get hired as a product marketing manager. 

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.4 from 1,067 learners. 


This course is based on 21 sections, 345 lectures and a duration of 26h 44m.

Become a Product Marketing Manager | Product Management MBA By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3.Complete Product Management Course: 24+ Hours Of Videos By Udemy

This course has been created by the Institute of Product Leadership. This course benefits you with the skills, tools and processes that are needed to become a product manager. Over 865 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 


2.Understanding product management

3.Value management

4.Product management framework

5.Value proposition design

6.Understanding customers

7.Customer interaction


Why this course? 

After getting enrolled in this course you will be benefited in following ways: 

  • You will learn the core skill of product marketing. 
  • You will gain knowledge on the scope, role and skills necessary for product managers. 
  • You will learn the product life cycle and how to apply it to every product.
  • You will learn the problems of a product which are frequently faced. 
  • You will learn to create and maintain product marketing. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone who wants to succeed in the field of product marketing. 

Course Rating? 

The course has a rating of 4.1 from 111 learners. 


This course is based on 72 sections, 276 lectures and a duration of 24h 22m.

Complete Product Management Course: 24+ Hours Of Videos By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4.Product Management A-Z : A Hands-On, Real-World Simulation By Udemy

This course has been formulated by Raj Elakkara. This course provides you a complete step by step guide. Over 9,113 students have been enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 



3.The problem space

4.Goal setting

5.The solution space

6.Discovery phases

7.Discovery techniques

8.Design fundamentals

9.Measurement fundamentals


Why this course? 

After getting enrolled in this course you will be benefited in following ways: 

  • You will gain information about product initiatives. 
  • You will get an in-depth understanding. 
  • You will get more chances to be hired. 
  • You will learn a number of product marketing management strategies. 
  • You will be able to identify and avoid unproductive practices. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone who wants to learn the skill set and get placed in product marketing. 

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 1,344 learners. 


This course is based on 21 sections, 151 lectures and a duration of 11h 38m.

Product Management A-Z: A Hands-On, Real-World Simulation By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5.Product Marketing For Technological Companies By Udemy

This course has been framed by Lucas Weber. This course provides you a chance to become expert in your product marketing skills. Over 1,513 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 



3.Product management 

4.Product development

5.Sales enablement

6.Product positioning and messaging

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled in this course you will be benefited in following ways: 

  • You will learn masterful communication both internally and externally within the organisations. 
  • You will learn to develop product marketing content. 
  • You will learn about different types of product launches. 
  • You will learn to increase customer stickiness. 
  • You will learn to expand your business. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone who is considering product marketing as a career. 

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.3 from 387 learners. 


This course is based on 6 sections, 18 lectures and a duration of 2h 54m.

Product Marketing For Technological Companies By Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6.Product Marketing Course By YouTube (Free Course)

This course has been published by Gerardo Dada. This course provides you with the most useful concepts and tips for product marketers. 

Topics covered in this course:


2.Product marketing responsibilities

3.Marketing customers




Why this course? 

After getting enrolled you’re going to learn following things from this course:

        ● The best thing about this course is that you will gain good quality content for free.

        ● You will be able to learn from basic to advanced level.

        ● You will be provided with information about different career opportunities in product marketing.

       ● You will learn about search engine optimization.

       ● You will learn the basic key terminology.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone, especially for those students who can’t afford to purchase a course.


This course is based on a series of 4 videos with a duration of about 2 hours. 

Product Marketing Course By YouTube (Free Course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7.How To Become A Product Marketing Manager By YouTube (Free course)

This course has been formulated by Intellipaat. This course focuses on the development of skill to become a successful product marketing manager. 

Topics covered in this course: 


2.Why become a PM manager

3.Sought after skills

4.Job salary range

5.Sample interview questions

6.Future of PM manager


Why this course? 

After getting enrolled you’re going to learn following things from this course:

        ● You will gain knowledge about various product marketing tactics.

        ● You will gain information about the customer lifecycle.

        ● You will learn numerous industry related skills of product marketing.

        ● You will learn to build the foundation of your marketing career.

        ● You will learn to resolve common problems faced while launching product marketing.

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone, especially for those students who can’t afford to purchase a course. 


This course has a series of 7 videos with a duration of about 1h 10m.

How To Become A Product Marketing Manager By YouTube (Free course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


These are some of the best product marketing courses you could find. Learning new skills is essential to advance your career. It diversifies your job profile and helps you develop new techniques to keep up with the fast-changing world. To save your time, energy and money we have listed some of the best online product marketing courses for you in both paid and free formats.


1.What is product marketing used for? 

It involves promoting and selling a product to a customer and is the intermediary function between product development and increasing brand awareness. 

2.What kind of skills are needed to become a product marketing manager? 

You need a mix of interpersonal, communication, creative, analytical and technical skills to be successful. 

3.Is product marketing a hard profession? 

It’s extremely challenging and rewarding at the same time. 

4.What are 4 market product strategies? 

The four P’s are product, price, place and promotion. 

5.Why is product marketing needed? 

It helps product teams provide customer feedback and marketing insights. 

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