7 Best Soap Making Courses Online (Free + Paid) 

Soap Making Course Introduction 

Soap making is a skillful art and it can be complicated artwork to an expert. The consumers have become aware of the use of additive chemicals, increased costs and business processes used to manufacture hygiene items like soap. Due to the improved understanding of adding pointless additives, there is a popular movement of making soaps by the very own individual recipes. 

Enjoy this complete guide and increase your knowledge from basic to advanced, paid to free, all available under a single click.

1.Online Soap Making Training– Instant Video Recording by StartupYo

This professional soap making course is from startupYo. This is a comprehensive course that will guide you in making your soaps. They provide step by step instructional video, notes and E-certificates. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction about soaps
  • Detailed account on oils
  • Making of various soaps
  • Materials to be used
  • Formulations
  • Melt and pour soap method
  • Cold process techniques

Why this course? 

  • You will learn the practical knowledge of making various kinds of soaps. 
  • You will know what soaps are all about. 
  • You will learn the ways of choosing the right ingredients and equipment required. 
  • You will learn to select the right and inexpensive method. 
  • You can formulate a list of safety guidelines which should be followed while manufacturing soaps. 
  • You can outline the common problems faced while preparing soaps. 
  • You will learn to empower yourself. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone who is interested in the art of making soaps.

Online Soap Making Training– Instant Video Recording by StartupYo

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2. How to make soap Homemade soap making for beginners by Udemy

This Soap Making course is framed by Shona O’Connor, Howorama Inc. There is a lot you can learn from this course, it provides you step by step information which makes it easy for beginners. Over 20,342 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction
  • What you need to know about course
  • Cold process method
  • What you will need to get started
  • What you need to know before 
  • Making a plain bar of soap
  • Making soap using a natural colourant
  • Making a loaf of soap
  • Making exfoliating soap
  • Making confetti soap
  • Shaving soap
  • How to create your own recipes
  • Soap making tips 
  • Rebatching your soap
  • Labelling and packaging your soaps
  • Troubleshooting
  • Bonus and additional resources

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled following are the things that you’re going to learn from this course: 

  • This course is directed to boost the integral knowledge, skills and attitudes to make various soap products. 
  • The best part of this course is that it guides you to make soaps from locally available ingredients which are easily available. 
  • You will learn to make natural and pure soaps that are free damaging agents. 
  • You will learn to use inexpensive gadgets to create top notch packaging for your soap. 
  • You will learn to create your very own individual recipes and in result develop a new innovative hobby. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone who is interested in using homemade things for making soaps.

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 20,324 learners. 


This course is based on 15 sections, 64 lectures and a duration of 2h 22m.

How to make soap Homemade soap making for beginners by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3. How to make soap at home A-Z by Udemy

This course is framed by Ansa Smit. This course provides you all that you want to know in order to make soap from scrap at home. It gives you a complete guide of making soaps at domestic level. Over 490 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction
  • Content summary
  • Soap making demonstration
  • Soap recipe formulation
  • Different soap making methods
  • Colours, fragrances and exfoliators
  • Troubleshooting
  • Bonus material
  • Epilogue

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled following are the things that you’re are going to learn from this course: 

  • The mission aims at imparting a beneficial and realistic ability where by you can generate different methods to make your very own soaps. 
  • You will learn to make herbal soaps. 
  • You will learn to select the best material. 
  • You will learn to develop your individual recipe to formulate satisfactory soap to cherish your skin
  • You will learn to make inexpensive soap and thus save money. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone who is interested in making soaps from their very own recipes. 

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.4 from 490 learners. 


This course is based on 9 sections, 30 lectures and a duration of 6h 24m.

How to make soap at home A-Z by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4. How to make melt and pour soapBeginners step by step guide by Udemy

This course is formulated by Shona O’Connor and Howorama Inc. This course gives you a quick, enjoyable and easy way of making soap. It provides you a complete step by step method. Over 3,895 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction
  • What you need to get started
  • Ingredients
  • Making a basic bar of soap
  • Additives
  • Creating stunning effects
  • Embedding
  • Sugar scrub bars
  • Troubleshooting
  • Wrapping and storing your soap
  • Bonus section

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled following are the things you’re going to learn from this course: 

  • The benefit of this method is that you don’t have to control lye. 
  • There is no need to therapy the soap- it’s qualified to use as soon as it is manufactured. 
  • You can use a method whereby you can use a lot of approaches that show brilliant observable effects. 
  • You will have a technique of making soap that is family-friendly. 
  • You will learn to prepare soaps that will be easily available in few hours

Who is this course for? 

This course is for anyone who is interested in using creative ideas for making soaps. 

Course Rating? 

The rating of this course is 4.6 given by 3,895 learners. 


This course is based on 11 sections, 54 lectures and a duration of 2h 39m.

How to make melt and pour soap- Beginners step by step guide by Udemy

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5. Natural soap bars from scratch for beginners by Udemy 

This soap making course is formulated by Christina Goncalves. This is a complete course for beginners which provides a step by step method to manufacture soap from natural ingredients which are vegan in nature. Over 1,348 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics Covered in this course: 

  • Course overview
  • Ingredients and safety
  • Tools and equipments
  • Method (Cold Process) 
  • Cutting and curing soap bars
  • Soap recipe formulation
  • Troubleshooting and frequently asked questions
  • The finish line

Why this course? 

After getting enrolled following are the things that you’re going to learn from this course: 

  • You will learn to make soaps from a traditional method by combination of oils and lye. 
  • You will be able to figure out the safety allied with formulation of soaps and know what preventive measures you need to take while manufacturing herbal soaps. 
  • You will be able to develop your very own techniques. 
  • You will learn how to dissect and antidote soap bars. 
  • You will learn the flexibility of using ingredients to your soap. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone particularly vegans who want to learn to manufacture plant-based soaps.

Course Rating? 

This course has a rating of 4.7 by 1,348 learners. 


This course is based on 8 sections, 22 lectures and a duration of 2h 38m.

Natural soap bars from scratch for beginners by Udemy 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6. Eco-friendly soap recipe by YouTube (Free Course)

This free course is framed by Lovely Greens. This course gives you a simple and basic method to prepare soaps. It focuses on eco-friendly recipes. 

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction
  • Equipments and requirements
  • Making of lye solution
  • Melting the oils and making soap
  • Use of recycled homemade things

Why this course? 

In this course you will learn following things: 

  • You will get an introduction on the need to develop an eco-friendly soap making method. 
  • You will learn about the various equipment used in the process. 
  • You will get to know the ingredients used in manufacturing soaps. 
  • You are provided with a step by step procedure to prepare soap which makes it easy to understand. 
  • You will be provided the information on where you can get these ingredients and how to avoid mistakes

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone particularly those who want to learn to manufacture eco-friendly soaps.


This course has a duration of 18m 22s.

Eco-friendly Soap Making Course by YouTube (Free Course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7. Soap Making Masterclass by Alison (Free course)

This free course is framed by Edukators London Ltd.’s. This course is already  enrolled by 7,101 learners.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Introduction
  • Types of soaps
  • Starting ingredients
  • Summary of soap making

Why this course? 

In this course you will learn following things: 

  • You will learn the process of making soap in detail. 
  • You will learn the nature of the essential components of a soap. 
  • You can prepare a detailed list of the important ingredients, tools and equipment required in the technique. 
  • You will learn to resolve certain common mistakes made while soap manufacturing. 
  • You will learn to make products that can be sold, gifted or used. 

Who is this course for? 

This course is for everyone who wants to learn about manufacturing soaps.

Soap Making Masterclass by Alison (Free Course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


These were some of the best online  soap making courses you could find on the web. We offer courses from basic to advanced to help you learn the new skill so you don’t just get started, you can learn up to more advanced forms. To save you time, energy and money, we have listed these courses in both paid and free formats.

Do your best and keep seeking knowledge. 


1.What is the importance of soap making courses? 

It allows you to avoid the undesirable additives and prepare a natural family-friendly product. 

2.What are the things that you should consider while soap making? 

You should always work in a well ventilated area and take certain precautions. 

3.How can the quality of the soap improve? 

You can improve the quality by avoiding toxic chemicals and using herbal ingredients. 

4.What are the two most essential ingredients to make soap? 

The two most essential ingredients are oil and lye. 

5.Is soap a base or acid? 

The soaps are salts of strong bases and weak acids so they are slightly basic. 

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