7 Best SQL Courses Online ( Free + Paid)

SQL Course

SQL Course Introduction

SQL, a powerful programming language used for communicating with several relational databases. The best version of SQL is MySQL, it helps in managing back-end data for web applications. SQL is helpful in  executing, retrieving, inserting records, updating records, deleting records, creating new tables, set permissions and much more. If you are a SQL lover and are looking to brighten up your future in SQL then you need to try these Best SQL Courses Online. Enjoy this complete guide and increase your knowledge from basic to advanced, paid to free, all available under a single click. 

1.SQL for NEWBS by Udemy 

This SQL course is framed by David Kim and Peter Sefton. This course is for Data scientists, marketers and business folks. Over 70,793 students are pursuing this paid course.

Topics covered in this course:

  • Welcome.
  • Intro to MySQL.
  • Basic Queries.
  • Level 2 concepts.

Why this course ? 

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn the behaviour analysis of users.
  • You will learn how to find actionable customers or business insights.
  • You will learn how to make data-driven decisions.
  • You will learn how to measure and track marketing efforts.
  • You will learn how to discover sexy marketing stats.

Who is this course for?

Marketers, startup and non-technical folks, aspiring data analysts, job seekers and more can take this course.

Course Rating 

This course got a rating of 4.4 from 70,793 learners.


The length of this course has been divided into 4 sections, 33 lectures and a duration of 3 hours and 16 minutes.

SQL for NEWBS by Udemy 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

2.Learn SQL in 6 days by Udemy 

This course is offered by John Anthony, this course will drill you in SQL and will help you in handling databases confidently. Over 2,703 students are pursuing this paid course.

Topics covered in this Course:

Database basics and schema.

Managing databases and tables.

Populating data.

Retrieving data.

Functions and creating subtotals.



Bonus Exercises.

Why this course?

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn what is database, tables, set of tables, primary and foreign keys and much more.
  • You will learn how to create databases, tables, and foreign keys.
  • You will learn arithmetic operations and expressions, comparison operators and simple conditions, and logical operators and operator precedence. 
  • You will learn about selecting specific columns, distinct columns and sorting of data.
  • You learn about many functions like string, mathematical and data functions.
  • You will learn about making individual utilising and writing data retrieval statements.

Who is this course for?

The technology professionals candidates and sectors like computer science or information technology can follow this course.

Course Rating 

This course has got a good rating of 4.3 from 2,703 learners.


The length of this course has been divided into 8 sections, 56 lectures and a duration of 4 hours 17 minutes.

Learn SQL in 6 days by Udemy 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

3.The Complete SQL and MySQL Course by Udemy 

This course is created by Holczer Balazs. The range of this course is from beginners to experts. This course will help you in clearing the basics, transactions, views, pages and stored procedures. 12,479 students are right now pursuing this paid course.

Topics covered in this course:



Database theory and normalisation.

Table manipulation.

Basic SQL.

Multiple tables and joining.

Advanced SQL- Subqueries, Transaction, views, indexes and constraints.


Why this course?

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows: 

  • In this course you will learn the basics of database courses.
  • With this course you can get a hold on SQL and MySQL.
  • You learn about the database management system and about its language.
  • You will understand the procedure of table manipulation.
  • You will understand and know about pages, views and stored procedures.
  • You will understand B trees and B+ trees data structure.

Who is this course for?

This course is for newbies who are interested in SQL and the ones who are not aware about SQL. 

Course Rating 

This course has got a fine rating of 4.4 from 12479 learners.


This course has been divided into 16 sections, 157 lectures and a duration of 8 hours and 9 minutes.

The Complete SQL and MySQL Course by Udemy 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

4.SQL: A practical introduction for Querying Databases by Coursera.

This course is offered by IBM and instructed by Rav Ahuja. This course will help you in learning SQL. You will learn CRUD operations under this flexible course.

Topics covered in this course:


Relational database and tables.

Intermediate SQL.

Real-world data sets, final project & exam.

SQL (Honors)

Why this course ? 

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn how to analyse data with SQL.
  • You will learn to create a relational database on the cloud.
  • You will learn how to work with tables.
  • You will learn how to write SQL statements with many options.
  • You will know how SQL techniques will help you in building more powerful queries.
  • You can gain many Skills under this course, like create, read, update & delete, data analysis, MySQL, and SQL.

Who is this course for?

This flexible course is for beginner level, and for everyone who wants to be interested in SQL.


It takes approximately 21 hours to complete this course.

SQL: A practical introduction for Querying Databases by Coursera

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

5.The Structured Query Language (SQL) by Coursera.

This course is offered by University of Colorado Boulder and instructed by Alan Paradi. This course is all about SQL, its origins, its foundation and SQL. 20,011 learners are already learning this course.

Topics covered in this course

  • Introduction.
  • Basic Select Statement.
  • Group functions, subtotals and Subqueries. 
  • Multiple Tables.
  • DDL & DML.
  • SQL commands- advanced.

Why this course?

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn SQL, its origins and regarding its historical basis.
  • You will learn how to use standard SQL and syntax.
  • You will learn SQL coding for data analysis stored in relational databases.
  • You will also gain different skills like Data Science, DBMS, Database Application, SQL and database administration.

Who is this course for?

This flexible course is for beginners, they provide a shareable certificate after the completion of this 100% online course.


It takes approximately 25 hours to complete this course.

The Structured Query Language (SQL) by Coursera 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

6.SQL Full Course by Simplilearn – YouTube (Free Course)

This free full course is from Simplilearn which you can access through YouTube. This SQL course is from beginners where you can learn SQL using MySQL. You will learn top SQL interview questions.

Topics covered in this course:

What is SQL?

ER Diagram.


My SQL built-in functions.

Group by & having.

Joins, Subquery and Triggers in SQL.

SQL with Python.


How to become a SQL developer.

Interview questions.

Why this course?

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn about the introduction of SQL. 
  • You will learn ER Diagrams under this course.
  • You will learn how to install MySQL in windows.
  • You will learn about functions of MySQL.
  • You will learn about Joins, Subquery and Triggers in SQL.


You will learn this course in approximately 8 hours and 2 minutes.

SQL Full Course by Simplilearn – YouTube (Free Course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course

7.SQL for Data Analysis by Class Central. (Free Course)

This #1 free SQL for Data Analysis course is provided by Udacity and you can access this course from Class Central. This 4 weeks long course is taught by Derek Steer. This course is framed to clear Structured Query Language. 

Topics covered in this course:

SQL Basics.

SQL Joins.

SQL Aggregation.

Subqueries and Temp Tables.

SQL Data Cleaning.

Window Functions.

Why this course?

Key things that you are going to learn are as follows:

  • You will learn ways to use logical operators and SQL commands.
  • You will learn how to write Inner Joins and Left Joins
  • You will learn ways to write common aggregations in SQL.
  • You will learn about common aggregations in SQL, Case, data functions and Null values.
  • You will learn how to access a table and perform data cleaning.

SQL for Data Analysis by Class Central (Free Course)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course


So, these were some Best SQL Courses Online that will help in covering important topics of SQL. You can learn this programming language from beginning to its advanced form. You can exercise this course in paid as well as in free format. By the end you will successfully learn how to manage SQL. It’s not easy to come up with only seven courses in order to strengthen your knowledge in this vast field, however we tried our best and listed the most recommended SQL courses. Enjoy and learn this database language as per your preference.


How much time will it take to learn SQL?

The duration of courses vary depending upon its syllabus and learning speed, it ranges from hours to months. 

Do SQL jobs pay well?

Yes you can get a handsome salary up to $170,500 per year.

Is SQL easier than Python?

When it comes to language then surely SQL is easier but when we talk about tools then python is easier.

What are the 5 types of SQL?

The five types of SQL are, DDL, DQL, DML, DCL and TCL.

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