7 Best & Free Udemy WordPress Courses

WordPress Course Introduction 

WordPress is a well-liked and adaptable content management system (CMS) that enables people and organizations to easily develop and manage websites. WordPress gives users the ability to easily create aesthetically pleasing websites and add functionality because to its user-friendly interface, adaptable themes, and large library of plugins. It offers a variety of functions, such as media management, blogging functionality, and user permissions. WordPress supports a wide range of websites, from straightforward blogs to intricate e-commerce systems. Its robust community provides ample support and resources for beginners, making it an accessible choice for those seeking an intuitive and powerful CMS solution for their online presence. 

1. Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power With Code by Udemy 

Udemy SS 66

Brad Schiff is the author of the course. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 97,183 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Welcome! 
  2. Getting Started 
  3. First Coding Steps: PHP WordPress 
  4. Specific PHP Events Pages 
  5. Creating the Blog Section 
  6. Post Format Programs 
  7. Post Type Professors 
  8. Post Type Cleaner Code (Less Duplication) Campus 
  9. Post Type Live Search with JavaScript in Preparation 
  10. WordPress REST API (AJAX) 
  11. Customizing the REST API Combining Front-End & Back-End Non-JS 
  12. Fallback Traditional Search 
  13. User Roles and Permissions Launching 
  14. Our WordPress Site Extra Credit Challenges & Topics 
  15. Going Live: Deploying User-Generated 
  16. Content Like or “Heart” Count for Professors 
  17. Plugin Development: PHP Plugin 
  18. Development: Blocks, Gutenberg & React Plugin: Multiple Choice Block Type (React) 
  19. Plugin: Featured Professor Plugin 
  20. Development: Custom SQL Database Table Block Themes & Full Site Editing 
  21. Final Chapter 
Why This WordPress Course? 

After connecting with the course, you’ll receive the following advantages: 

  • You can become a master in WordPress. 
  • For the “Gutenberg” Block Editor, you will be able to create your own unique new custom block kinds. 
  • You’ll research. knowledge of writing PHP to edit data on a WordPress site
  •  You will begin with the abilities, information, and vocabulary necessary to function as a WordPress developer in a professional capacity. 
  • You will discover why using WordPress to develop everything you can envision requires knowledge of programming. 
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • WordPress developers wish to use it as a full CMS rather than “just a blog platform.” 
  • those who want to study the JavaScript and PHP languages. 
  • Those who are interested in learning more about the “REST API” that enables real-time, on-the-fly interaction with WordPress data. 
  • anyone with an interest in building linkages between different content categories and custom post types and custom fields. 

4.7 rating from 21,708 learners. 


The course involves 29 sections, 208 lectures, and a duration of 42h 4m. 

Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with Code

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

2. WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly by Udemy 

Udemy SS 65

The course is created by Andrew Williams. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 116,056 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction to the Course 
  2. Local Install – Install WordPress on your Computer 
  3. WordPress Installation on a Web 
  4. Host a quick tour of WordPress 
  5. The Gutenberg Editor WordPress Settings Themes, Plugins & Widgets 
  6. Website Content Including Pages & Posts 
  7. Making the Legal Pages from the Homepage Website Navigation 
  8. WordPress Security 
  9. Some Important Plugins 
  10. WordPress Site Structure 
  11. Creating A Blog Site 
  12. Creating the Business Site 
  13. Creating the Hybrid Site 
  14. Gutenberg Full Site 
  15. Editor Primer Feedback 
  16. WordPress Q&A 
  17. Resources 
Why This WordPress Course? 

After connecting with the course, you’ll receive the following advantages: 

  • You can become a master in WordPress.
  • A responsive website you create will appear beautiful on any browser. 
  • You will learn how to set up WordPress for the best outcomes. 
  • You will begin by learning about WordPress’s primary features. 
  • You will learn all about building a functional, beautiful, responsive website with WordPress. 
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • This course is ideal if you want to learn WordPress without paying for a site server. 
  • While you learn, I’ll demonstrate how to install WordPress on your personal computer. 
  • If you wish to create a website for either personal or professional reasons, this course is for you. 
  • This course is for you if you want to grasp WordPress without getting mired down in technical speak. 
  • If you want to learn WordPress from a former schoolteacher who has been using and teaching it since 2004, you can get step-by-step, over-the-shoulder instruction from her. 
  • If you are taking over an existing WordPress website or want to create one from scratch but don’t know where to begin, this course is ideal for you. 

4.6 rating from 27,271 learners. 


The course involves 21 sections, 116 lectures, and a duration of 10h 31m. 

WordPress for Beginners – Master WordPress Quickly

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

3. WordPress: The Complete WordPress Website Course by Udemy 

Udemy SS 64

Tanzeel Ur Rehman is the author of the programmee . This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 41,510 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction to the course
  2.  For Windows Users: WordPress Installation 
  3. For MAC USERS: WordPress Installation 
  4. WordPress basics in 1 Hour 
  5. Page Builder Basics 
  6. Project: Let’s Build a Personal website with WordPress Online servers (web hosting and domains) in general 
  7. Project2: Let’s Build a corporate Business Site 
  8. Project 3: Blog 
  9. Project 4: eCommerce Website Custom Post Type 
  10. Project 5: Real Estate Website SEO Crash Course 
  11. Bonus Section 
Why This WordPress Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • WordPress offers the potential for mastery. 
  • You will have the option to create your own Template. 
  • You will research a real estate website using custom post types for WordPress. 
  • With WordPress, you’ll create a personal/resume website. 
  • You will discover everything you need to know to launch your own WordPress web design company. 
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • You want to launch a website design company of your own. 
  • You should take this course! 
  • If you are already a WordPress developer, this course might not be necessary for you. 

4.6 rating from 3,447 learners. 


The course involves 14 sections, 177 lectures, and a duration of 27h 16m. 

WordPress: The Complete WordPress Website Course 

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

4. WordPress Website Development & SEO Masterclass (No Coding) by Udemy  

Udemy SS 63

Jesper and Robin devised the course. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 15,358 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Introduction 
  3. Foundation Build Plugins 
  4. Design Legal BASIC SETUP. 
  5. Building Your First Website Plugins 
  6. Privacy Policy & Terms of Service Making 
  7. Your Website Professional DEVELOPMENT 
  8. Designing With Elementor Elementor: 
  9. Home Page Design Optimizations 
  10. Elementor: Templates & Customizations 
  11. WooCommerce SEO 
  12. SEO Fundamentals 
  13. Keyword Research
  14.  Content Ideas 
  15. Content Writing 
  16. Backlinks
  17. Blogging 
  18. Copywriting 
  19. Sales 
  20. Psychology
  21. Bonus Lecture 
Why This WordPress Course? 

Following your connection to the course, you’ll have the following benefits: 

  • WordPress offers the potential for mastery. 
  • You will have the option to conduct keyword research. 
  • You will study Website Design. 
  • You will Get started with Mobile Optimizations. 
  • Everything about building a WordPress website will be covered. 
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • Business Owners. 
  • Bloggers.
  •  Hobbyists.
  •  Side Hustlers.
  •  Influencers.
  •  Marketers. 

4.7 rating from 2,351 learners. 


The course involves 29 sections, 225 lectures, and a duration of 30h 21m. 

WordPress Website Development & SEO Masterclass (No Coding)

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

5. WordPress for Beginners: Create a Website Step by Step by Udemy 

Udemy SS 62

The course is created by Brad Schiff. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 20,491 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Welcome! 
  2. Let’s Build! 
  3. About Page 
  4. Photo Gallery 
  5. Page Blog Posts 
  7. Widgets 
  8. Contact Page 
  9. Users & Settings 
  10. Next Steps 
Why This WordPress Course? 

After connecting with the course, you’ll receive the following advantages:

  •  You can become a master in WordPress.
  •  Existing WordPress websites can be updated and edited. 
  • You will study to set up dynamic blog sections organized by category. 
  • You will Get started with Creating websites and blogs with WordPress 
  • You will learn all about organically absorbing and mastering WordPress.
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • Anyone who wants to begin building websites and/or blogs should take this course. 
  • Coding is not necessary.
  •  No prior knowledge is necessary. 

4.6rating from 6,831 learners.


The course involves 10 sections, 24 lectures, and a duration of 4h 39m. 

WordPress for Beginners: Create a Website Step by Step

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

6. Create a WordPress Website for Your Web Design Business by Udemy (Free)

Udemy SS 61

The course is created by Christine Maisel. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 73,905 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. Course Overview
  2. Getting Started With WordPress
  3. Customizing Your Website & Adding New Features
  4. The Big Reveal & Your Site Post Launch
Why This WordPress Course? 
  •  you will Be able to set-up and fully manage a WordPress website with no coding required.
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • Anyone wanting to make more money by creating websites for others
  • Anyone wanting to save money by setting up their own website and not having to pay someone else to do it for them
  • Anyone new to WordPress or with only very basic knowledge

4.1 rating from 3,218 learners.


The course involves 4 sections, 23 lectures, and a duration of 1h 3m. 

Create a WordPress Website for Your Web Design Business

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.

7. WordPress for Beginners – How to Make a Website Step by Step by Udemy  (Free)

Udemy SS 60

The course is created by Daragh Walsh. This course lays out a comprehensive guide to learning WordPress from a very basic level. You will gain all the concepts clearly and quickly. Over 53,454 participants have already joined. 

Topics Covered: 
  1. WordPress Tutorial for Beginners
Why This WordPress Course? 
  •  you will Make Your Own Website & Save Money
  • you will Set Up Google Analytics to Grow Your Site
Who Is This WordPress Course For?
  • Anyone who wants to build a website for your business, hobby or a paying client.

4.2 rating from 2,616 learners.


The course involves 1 section, 11 lectures, and a duration of 0h 53m. 

WordPress for Beginners – How to Make a Website Step by Step

Click Here to Know more and Register to this course.


Q: What’s WordPress? 

Q: WordPress is it free?

Q: Do I need rendering chops to use WordPress?

Q: Can WordPress be used to create an e-commerce website?

Q: Can I modify my WordPress website’s design? 

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