Top 7 Best Angular Courses Online (Free + Paid)

Angular Course Introduction

You may have been typing “Angularjs online course” on Google for Angular Traning and sweating from hundreds of results appearing on the screen. But don’t worry, we have already done that for you, as we bring you the best Angular Courses on the internet. So, relax and read through the article. 

1.Angular – The Complete Guide by Udemy

This course was created by Maximilian Schwarzmuller. This is one of the best Udemy Angular courses that aim to provide students with mastery of Angular 13. Over 625,470 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in September.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angular
  2. Basic Typescript

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn to make complex and scalable web applications using Angular 14.
  • After this course, you will completely understand the architecture of Angular applications and how they can be used. 
  • You will learn to make single-page applications with the most modern JavaScript frameworks.
  • You will learn to use the understanding of Angular fundaments to become a front-end developer. 
  • You will understand how data binding and Pipes work and how you can use them.

Who is this course for?

It is for beginners and seasoned front-end developers who wish to learn a modern JavaScript framework. It is also for learners who want to develop a deeper understanding of Angular.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 172,754 learners.


This course has 33 sections, 472 lectures and a duration of 34 hours and 42 minutes.

Angular – The Complete Guide by Udemy

Click here to know more and register

2. Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS by Coursera

This course is offered by Johns Hopkins University and taught by Yaakov Chaikin. You will learn to write testable and powerful front-end applications quickly. Over 106,769 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. AngularJS
  2. Web development
  3. Unit Testing
  4. JavsScript

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about AngularJS 
  • You will learn to make reusable HTML components.
  • You will learn to make fully functional and tested web applications with AngularJS.

Who is this course for?

It is an Intermediate course for people who wish to learn AngularJS.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.9 from 1,843 learners.


You can complete this course in approximately three months at a rate of 10 hours per week.

Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS by Coursera

Click here to know more and register

3. Full Stack Web Development with Angular Specialization by Coursera

This course is offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and taught by Jogesh K. Muppala. You will learn to create Hybrid Mobile and Web solutions. Over 15,086 students are enrolled in this course. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angularjs
  2. SASS
  3. TypeScript
  4. Jquery

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about UI frameworks of client-side web.
  • You will learn to use a single codebase to create mobile applications for multiple platforms.
  • You will learn to use Angular Flex-Layout and Angular Material for UI design.
  • You will learn to use MongoDB to implement NoSQL databases. 
  • You will learn to use RESTful API to communicate with the client side.

Who is this course for?

It is for people with previous experience in CSS, JavaScript and HTML.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.7 from 4,170 learners.


You can complete this course in approximately three months at a rate of 10 hours per week.

Full Stack Web Development with Angular Specialization by Coursera

Click here to know more and register

4. Angular 14 full course for beginner on Youtube (Channel: Bitfumes)

This Angular course can be found on the channel Bitfumes on youtube. Here, you will learn Angular from scratch. You will also learn about Angular concepts and other things. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angular
  2. Firebase

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about Angular and how it can be used.
  • You will learn to create a Root module and components from CLI.
  • You will learn concepts like pipes, ngFor, custom modules, Tailwind CSS styling, angular routing, and more.
  • You will learn about firebase registration and firebase login.
  • You will learn to deploy to firebase.  
  • You will learn about lifecycle hooks and login register routes.

Who is this course for?

It is for people who are beginner and has no experience in Angular and TypeScript. 


This course has a duration of just 3 hours and 54 minutes. 

Angular Course for beginner on Youtube (Channel: Bitfumes)

Click here to know more and register

5. Angular Testing Masterclass (Angular 14) by Udemy

This course was also created by Angular University. You will learn all about Angular 14 Unit testing. In addition, you will also be taught about End-to-End (E2E) Testing along with CI. Over 14,331 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in October.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angular
  2. Angular 14 Unit Testing
  3. Fundaments of Testing

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn about Angular E2E testing using Cypress.
  • You will learn about Service Testing and Angular Component.
  • You will learn all about Testing Fundaments.
  • You will learn about coding in the GitHub repository and making per section downloadable ZIP files. 
  • You will learn to use Travis CI for continuous integration.
  • You will learn how to make a user interaction simulation in unit tests. 

Who is this course for?

It is for Angular developers who want to gain a deeper knowledge of End-to-End Testing and Angular Unit Testing.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.5 from 14,331 learners.


This course has 7 sections, 44 lectures and a duration of 5 hours and 5 minutes.

Angular Testing Masterclass (Angular 14) by Udemy

Click here to know more and register

6. Angular Core Deep Dive – Beginner to Advanced (Angular 14) by Udemy

This course was created by Angular University. You will learn the advanced Angular core features along with Common modules. Over 12,206 students are enrolled in this course. This course was last updated in October.

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angular
  2. Angular Elements 
  3. Custom modules

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn how you can create your Angular Components and how you can style them.
  • After this course, you’ll be confident in topics like Content Projection, Dynamic Templates, Angular Elements and more.
  • After this course, you will deeply understand creating custom Structural Directives and Attribute.  
  • You will learn custom Modules, Internationalization (i18n), and custom Pipes in detail. 

Who is this course for?

It is for developers who want to gain a deeper knowledge of Angular frameworks.

Course Rating

This course has a rating of 4.6 from 2,072 learners.


This course has 16 sections, 74 lectures and a duration of 8 hours and 45 minutes.

Angular Core Deep Dive – Beginner to Advanced (Angular 14) by Udemy

Click here to know more and register

7. Angular Basics by Simplilearn

You can find this Angular course on Simplilearn. You will get a deep understanding of front-end development using Angular. You will learn Angular from the beginning and how you can use it to make single-page web applications. 

Topics Covered in this Course

  1. Angular
  2. Angular Routing
  3. Angular Services
  4. Angular Bootstrap

Why this course?

You will learn the following things with this course:

  • You will learn all about the concept of Angular.
  • You will learn about Angular Forms, Angular Components, and Angular Routing.
  • You will learn the difference between Angular, React, and Vue.

Who is this course for?

It is beneficial for people like Full-stack developers, Architects, Quality assurance specialists, UI developers, and Technical project managers.


This course has a duration of 3 hours. 

Course Rating

This course is rated 4.5 from 2116 learners. 

Click here to browse the course.

Angular Basics by Simplilearn

Click here to know more and register


So, these were some best courses on Angular that you can find online. You will also receive Angular certification after completing these courses, which you can attach to your CV. So, go through the offering of these courses and decide which one to take. 

Good Luck!!


Q. How to learn Angular quickly?

Here are some ways you can learn Angular quickly

  • Listening to podcasts
  • Take quick start tutorials
  • Blogging
  • Start coding
  • Video training 
  • Youtube videos

Q. What is the best way I can learn angular?

One of the best ways to learn Angular quickly is to enrol in an online course. These Angular courses are interactive and detailed, and you can start studying at your convenience.

Q. How to learn angular from scratch?

If you want to learn Angular from scratch, you can take Angular courses. While it is not necessary, having basic knowledge of CSS, javascript and HTML would boot your learning curve. 

Q. Where to learn Angular?

You can learn Angular on various websites like Udemy, Coursera, Youtube, Scaler, etc.

Q. How to learn Angular?

You can start by learning JavaScript. It is not necessary to learn JavaScript, but it will make understanding Angular easy along with other topics. You need to be regular in your Angular studies, and devoting 2-3 hours of your day will be sufficient. 

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